3's a Party - Week 7

I'm now in a trio! Sister Crabb has joined us and she is spectacular! She's super sweet. Trios are a interesting thing to get use to, it requires a lot of patience and organization.
I had a member give me a blessing this week for comfort in starting a new transfer and he blessed me repeatedly with patience. The couple we're teaching are progressing pretty well! The wife was able to make it to church yesterday, but the husband had work. They just keep surprising us with how much they are changing in their countenances. And they have such great fellowship in the Ward too. We have a great relationship with all the people we are teaching.
On Thursday we volunteered at an Autistic Carnival (so yes my dream) it was amazing, I loved every minute of it. I was in my element. So many tender moments. We also had a cool experience where we were bringing cookies to a girl in our Ward for her birthday whose dad left the church. He use to be super active and involved, but apparently got into some anti and that was it. When we got to the house, the wife and kids weren't home yet but he had invited us in and told us about his mission, and even invited us back for dinner. When his wife came home and walked us out to the car she told us that she was really shocked he invited us in, let alone back for dinner. And she was so happy to see that.
We did service for the less-active lady again this last Saturday and we went out to eat and I swear she took like 30 fortune cookies. 😂 she seriously kept getting up from the table and coming back with like 10 more. She is the sweetest lady. She has this amazing ability of really remembering redeeming qualities in other people. We're still working on convincing her to hangout with us for Christmas though.
Last night we went and visited this older lady from Long Island. She's hilarious. She's not totally interested In the church right now, but I think that's mostly because she doesn't even know what to be interested in. We talked on her front porch forever and she keeps going "you are really pretty ladies." And as I'm trying to tell her about the gospel she just stops me, grabs my hand and goes " your pretty, it's nice to look at someone pretty. People are so ugly now days." 😂 so naturally we all start laughing and she says "no I'm seriously, I was very pretty when I was younger I can prove it, and people these days are so homely." .. needless to say we had a good laugh. She asked about my family and I told her about everyone, including mollie and Rachel and how I have the knowledge of eternal families and she goes " wait that's interesting, maybe I will think about changing my religion." Hahaha. She really appreciated us visiting because she doesn't have many people to talk to because she is alone. So we are going to continue visiting her. I love New Yorkers.
(Our Christmas Tree)
New transfers and all it seems to be just more of an adjusting week. It's moving along though! Bitter/Sweet seeing the pictures of everyone at temple square! Just reminds me of how much I love you all so much. I guess I can live without you for a Christmas or two, we have eternity together.
(WE Served at an Autistic Carnival this week and it was the best thing ever)
Okay also I read a talk by Elder Holland this week called "The first great commandment" I encourage you to read it. Once, and then again and again. It's amazing.
A Man in his Backyard Shaving his Head



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