0 Money, 0 Miles Week 14

Sister Bromley's parents were in town and visited my Ward for church, Ah! It was so so good to meet them and I'm so thankful for Sister Bromley and her family and I know the life long friendship we will have.
Fresh out of everything folks. Money, miles, maybe even a little fresh out of my mind (just kidding, sorta) Man I'll be honest, this has probably been one of the longest weeks thus far. We lost our car, then we got on car share, then we got to keep the car just to find out we have no miles left, and it's conveniently been very cold in Florida for biking haha. I refuse to complain about the cold weather though, seeing as in a few short months I'll be sweating more than I ever have in my life.
I've learned many lessons this week. One of the many is to love people irregardless of how frustrating they can be. (Not talking about my companion, she's a gem) but people were teaching. It's hard not to just get so frustrated. In any situation, when they aren't listening, when they won't read the Book of Mormon but will search the darkest parts of the internet, or when all they want to talk about is anti. It's hard!
I'm still learning to let it go. You can't make people be what you want them to be, you just have to love them for what they are. Even if what they are is.. difficult to love sometimes haha. Christ loved a lot of people who weren't easy to love. People aren't always meant to be easy to love. Maybe that's why it has to be a commandment to do it haha. Kidding. I do love this area so much, I love the people. But I'm sure it's even the smallest bit like having a child that makes poor decisions. Frustrated and full of love.
Working on splits
The wife of couple we are teaching had her interview this week! And she's getting baptized on Saturday! We're so excited. I'm so excited! Shes amazing! I love her! And she's about done with the Book of Mormon. The other day we watched some Mormon messages with her on the couch, and I just was over whelmed with how much love and potential she has. She is a rockstar. I think one of the most amazing things we have seen is that we have brought her purpose. After having cancer for the third time and staying home all day every day in bed life can seem pretty dull.
This is when we were watching Mormon messages that night. Bella just chillin on my lap.
I'm a firm believer God is purposeful in every bit of where we are suppose to be and who we are suppose to meet. Not just on a mission, but in life. I know I was meant to go to Orlando, be in Lake Crescent,and start my mission here. To meet these people I've taught. These members who have taught me so much. Oh man I already don't know how I will leave some of them. I've had so many righteous examples. I often think of my leaders from church at home as well. The teachers and the leaders of the church matter so much, they make such a difference. Mine have! I remember them. I remember their impact and their testimonies. And I just think how important it is to realize you WILL be remembered for something. And the best thing we can be remembered by is something like Christ, even a little bit like the Savior:)
Let's see if we can count how many picture I have with a face mask on my whole mission haha



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