The Gated Gates: Week 55

The Family
Lake Nona - Where there are gated communities within gated communities. 
Yes I didn't know that was thing until now. 

Tuesday's was transfers and we were able to go to the church and say
goodbye to Sister Bromley. Sister McCullough was there as well! And Sister Schomaker was training so I got to see her so it made me super happy. Sister McCullough's trainee Sister Stephenson is training now too! 

So my Trainees.. Trainees is Training. That's deep huh. 
It lifted my spirits so so much to see my old companions. 
We got a picture of the "Family posterity" as it now stands.

This week we met a lot with auxiliary leaders to find out how we can better help and assist them in their callings. It helped a lot for us to know what we could do to lighten their burden.

On Thursday we were able to go to MLC. It was a little bit bigger this time because all the district leaders were invited to attend as well. Which made it a ratio of 10 sisters to about 41 elders...

I learned so many things from that meeting that answered so many prayers

One thing we talked about was the concept of "When you save a shepherd you save a herd." I love that thought.
I know that whatever testimony we have is sufficient enough to share his gospel.
I really hope that we will all see "the weight of each other's glory" and see those close enough to the blessing of the gospel as shepherds. With potential to bring millions but also take millions away from the gospel

We also had a lot more meetings and planning for our Zone meetings next week. 
On Saturday we went to a baptism for one of the elders so we could plan with one of our Zone Leaders afterwards. 
The poor girl getting baptized thought that her baptism was at the temple... so she was 2 hours late to her own baptism.
We had a impromptu testimony meeting.
There's so much power in a sincere testimony. When it comes from the heart, however simple and brief. It holds so much power. 

I've been reflecting a lot on my mission these past couple of weeks.
I have done my best to please the Lord and push myself in my love for him. I think of all the times I've had courage I know beyond my own abilities to do things I'm sacred to do.
This past two transfers have been very different in comparison to the rest of mission. In some ways it's been rather difficult, things I'm not used to doing. And I'll miss the old routine. But I've been able to have amazing opportunities to serve other missionaries and grow myself. 
I've learned a lot about myself lately. I'm trying to have a good attitude because I super miss just normal tracting and teaching. We don't really have anyone to teach to be honest. And we don't really have time to find. It's been hard. I just don't feel like a normal missionary but I know we're doing other good things. I'm praying and fasting for a miracle.  But I know that God has other things planned for me and I know my work is pleasing to him. 

Once again I'm face up with my weaknesses. And I've discovered that my only hope to over come my faults is through my Savior Jesus Christ.
I know he wants us to rely on him totally and completely. And that's who I want to be, someone who is completely reliant on the Lord. Nothing's of my own strength. 
I've realized that, I'm nothing without him. I've tried to do things my way, I've tried to change on my own. It doesn't work. The only possible change is through him.
Maybe I wouldn't have learned that without these difficult times, and because of that I'm grateful. 

Thank you for all the love and prayers. 
Have a good week.

- Sister Sorensen🌞



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